
Showing posts from October, 2010

The Law of Attraction

Wednesday, October 5 5:12 a.m. Crashing waves at Mullet Bay heard very loudly, sounding menacing. Has the bad weather subsided? Last night, I closed the hurricane shutter 1/2 way, the wind pounding on the sliding doors to force an entry. It felt so cozy in my bed, no worry touching me, Abraham's words lulling me into sleep. As other people read the Bible, the Koran or any sacred text to hypnotize themselves into following "The Path of The Truth", I daily read The Law of Attraction. As the words become known and recognized, the power of belief takes over my consciousness. My latest "Book of Revelations" is becoming my immediate solution to the challenges met every day. First, i read "The Law of Attraction" and "Ask and It Is Given" by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Then, re-read it to familiarize myself with totally revolutionary concepts.  The words "I am worthy" resonated a little bit like the words "Paris is the capital...

Writer's block
