Tuesday June 20 10:13 a.m. Read 2 books from Marc Levy back to back: "Et si c'etait vrai" and "Vous Revoir". Feeling relaxed, mellow, appeased, still in their dream land. Which is a more fuzzy feeling than oppressed, worried, lost felt 2 days before.. Birds are frantically singing, apart from that the background is quiet in this residence and I enjoy the respite from the outside world. Sooner or later, I'll have to go to work and go back to the noisy "real" world, and this time off is necessary and more than welcome. 5:42 p.m. After the fiction read lately, "Health and Healing" feels right home in my preferred reality. For me, there has been no choice for a very long time. No money, no health insurance require a serious knowledge on the body's workings. Dr. Weiss strangely ascertains (and many doctors agree) that most of medicine is of a placebo effect, the method not being important if the chemistry between the sick and th...