Le secret, pour vivre vraiment heureuse, c'est de m'accepter comme je suis aujourd'hui, forces et faiblesses pareillement. Le secret, c'est d'etre en admiration devant tout ce que la vie nous emmene, tout ce que font les gens qui creent differemment de nous pour trouver leur bonheur. Le secret, c'est de voir la vie avec l'etonnement des enfants, qui observent sans avoir aucune idee preconcue, avant qu'un adulte ne vienne et y place sa version des faits, son jugement. The secret, to really live happy, is to accept myself the way I am today, strengths and weaknesses included. To accept that today everything is already perfect, as it should be . The secret is to be in awe in front of all that life brings to us, in front of everything that people do, creating differently than us to find their happiness. The secret is to see life through the awe of children observing without preconceived ideas, until an adult brings his/her own vers
"It's not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere" Agnes Repplier Monday 30 november 7:51 a.m. Just finished reading the book: "A thousand splendid suns", from Khaled Hossini. Daunting, beautifully written. The story of these two Afghan women was incredible to hear of. We, in the Western peaceful countries, we have the luxury to demand civil rights. Women in these war countries have no right at all. Like furniture, they are used for a very perfunctory function. They are owned by their husband. It shames me to think that I have been complaining about not finding a job in my specialty, fulfilling all my dreams, while women somewhere in the world are born without dreams of their own. It shames me to think that i consider myself a writer, knowing that i will never be able to write this type of masterpiece. today i am humbled at other writers' achievements, dubious that i can match their own talents. And it
FRENCH TEACHER I loved teaching French through its cuisine, music and movies... I taught 5th graders how to flip their crêpe... 2 students burned their wrists, of course, because they were afraid. I brought baguettes, butter, cheese and saucisson for an impromptu degustation... The best times: We watched old French teaching DVDs from the 80s, following children in their home and their neighbourhood with their friends; and the children were making fun of the clothes and cars. We listened to children French songs on my iPod played on a great JBL speaker... Rehearsals for the French songs all the different classes were to perform for the school recitals at Christmas and the end of the school year have been hilarious moments... Teacher-Parent conferences were real nightmares... I had to mention to the parents the progress and potentials of their offspring in front of the child... hide their shortcomings so they would not get yelled at at home... Noticing the children's shortcomings
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