Life goes on

Saturday October 24
7:30 a.m.
Magnificent day of October, birthday (24) of my little girl Tanya

I remember when these two gendarmes knocked on the door at 6 a.m., to announce that she was dead at the Guadeloupe's hospital, on the 4th month birthday of her short life

Stuart Wilde would say:
"You have to be strong in life if you want to be free
You cannot let your energy lean on others, metaphysically, physically or financially
Money is freedom
You manage  to live not far from the airport so at the wink of an eye you can leave the pit you are in and fly towards bluer skies and calmer seas.."

But there is a life lesson between my children and me
What is the truth i must teach them?

Moral standards (logic) in certain cultures require the young to respect their elders, for these elders detain a knowledge belonging to the past (which the youth have not experienced and will never be given to live.)

"The difference is that these young people take it for granted that they're going to get whatever they want, and that we almost took for granted that we shouldn't. Only, I wonder-the thing one's so certain of in advance: can it ever make one's heart beat as widly?"
Pollyanna Grows Up, by Eleanor Hodgman Porter


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