
"The best way to predict the future is to create it"
Peter Drucker

Thursday Dec 10
6:30 a.m.
Mood: Happy, listening to Sheryl Crow

My "work" was all over the floor, awaiting me in the kitchen.
My first painting twinkled at me with mischief: "Would you add lovers under the flamboyant tree and boats in the sea? one or two birds in the sky may be?"
"I don't know, so far i like you the way you are, untouched by human presence. May be i should paint you over again without the trees, place umbrellas and lounge chairs on the beach, and a bunch of roads and houses in the mountains?
But, can we really live without the touristic development?
We could, at least, do a better marketing. At least!
We have empty buildings, empty hotel rooms, villas, condos and apartments, we're ready for business and no business has seen us."

9:55 p.m.
After a little bit of surfing News channels, Hope and i watched: "Julie and Julia", from Julia Child's recipe book.
Now i am so restless. This t.v., media, movie world is no more appealing to me, it rings so untrue!
Every time you try to catch something: a mood, a feeling, you lose it. The precious time of happiness is probably this fleeting nothingness that is impossible to hold, to catch, to explain...

Yet with cooking Julia and Julie have made millions of fans discover the joy of food. I understand, I am a cook! But an irreverent cook, i hardly put the ingredients mentioned as required.
No, really! Gourmet cooking in Anguilla, someone must be kidding me! When i cook, it's what's in the fridge and what is in Anguilla. Period.

In these challenging economic times (on a global scale) this type of movie to me seems a little decadent. But again, I'm not American, so maybe i am acting biased.
I too learned to cook with a cookbook, from the Moulinex presssure cooker and the one from Seb. Hearty, easy French cooking.
Julia Child learned with the pros, she says that technique is foolproof. She also gives little comments gathered from experience, cooking one recipe after the other in her kitchen.

Me, I love photos, speaking 1,000 words.
But now this world has become intellectually obsessed with words, especially the last generation. Knowledge is everywhere, lulling you into thinking we are all geniuses. Fast food, instant gratification, fast accessed information. No more do we have the joy of the journey, the experience well lived, learned and true from inside our guts, where this little voice tells us: "That's it, that's the way i feel, that's the way i like it, that's the way if works for me."

For Julia Child, i am being arrogant and playing blase... (a real French). She shared French cooking with millions of Americans, she is the best ambassador of French gastronomy!  only when i learned everything from cooking books could i have enough knowledge to experiment with inventions of my own, the way i do today.
Without practice, i've lost most of this knowledge and had to look up for the recipe of "crepes" on
it had to be in French, from France, to meet my standards.... A snob! I'm really a French privileged snob, that's all... and ok with me.

French pancakes (Crepes)
250 g of flour (1 cup of flour)
4 eggs
1/2 liter of milk (1 cup of milk)
150g of melted butter  (divide 1 stick of butter in 4)
add for extra taste: vanilla or almond essence, rum or orange flower essence, etc
1 dash of salt
warm up the frying pan first, add butter cut in a tissue, easier to spread evenly.


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